I put together a sort of tutorial for you if you are interested in also trying this out.

I hope its pretty easy to follow. I would recommend trying a practice tie at first. Especially if you know you will be working with silk. You want to make sure that your machine will be kind and not pull single threads out of place on the silk design. If you find that it does you will probably need to get a needle for silk, or just hand sew when you need to sew. It's actually not a lot.

The first tie took, I am not sure how long because I added extra steps for myself while resizing. I don't know how but on the second tie I was able to get it done in a little over an hour with a more streamlined method.
This is where the sewing comes into play. It's actually not much and since you don't sew exactly on the crease the stitches are not visible. If you have to hand sew, it's no biggie.
The picture on the left is the me sewing the lining to the tie.
The picture on the right is to show what my sewing looked like. The sewing did not intersect. Notice the brown stitches.

Also, make sure not to forget to sew the little tag back in to the lining and tie. You will just nestle that right back in before sewing the lining back to the tie. I double checked my placement because I didn't want to have to open it up again once I just finished it. I wanted to sew the silk as little as possible so make sure that there was no option for the threads being pulled out of place, which would ruin the whole design.

That is all! Now you have a nice thin non 90's tie!
Also, if you couldn't really be bother to go through this or don't have an hour per tie. Send them to me! I can even do a thinner tie! I can do $5 per tie or a multiple item discount. Please email me at n.andujarfrancis@gmail.com for questions and details. Make sure to write "Tie Resizing" in the subject and mark as important.
Yay! Thank you. Needed this for a Halloween costume.