Wow, it has been cold these past couple days. Well cold to what I have been used to living in Wisconsin. It's really nothing compared to what I've been seeing back home... -44 degrees Celsius! Compared to that -12 Celsius isn't bad at all but hey, I've been spoiled living here in the "south". Either way, it's time for wool!

This is a little thing I have been working on and planning out as I go. I didn't use any sort of pattern or make any plans prior to starting. I have to say that winging it has worked out this time. Thank God. I really need to learn my lesson and plan out my projects ahead of time to reduce the chances of hitting a snag and completely abandoning the whole thing as a result.
The jumper is made out of 100% recycled materials! :-D Which makes me happy. Here is the break down:
-Brown wool is vintage and picked up from freecycle.
-Blue wool is also vintage and picked up in the same freecycle batch.
-Lining is from a shirt is also recycled from a friend.
-Buttons were from a little thrift store I like to pop into from time to time.
Only the snaps and the thread used to keep it all together were new. All in all I am really pleased with the outcome. My little guy tried it on but since it's not a stretch fabric the snaps keep popping open. I'm currently thinking about how I can remedy this. As a last resort it will become a sweater.
Here is another cold weather find I picked up at a local rummage sale. Normally I am not too keen on posting clothing items but this is just so much fun that I decided to make an exception.

Vintage mens L sweater with stripes down the side. :-D I have been having thrift store withdrawals so when I saw the flier for the rummage sale I was basically salivating at the mouth which makes this find soooo much better. I am addicted to thrift shopping, end of story, so what? ;-P Oh, did I mention it was a buck? Yup it was! I also got a couple of other shirts for a buck each as well. Score.
I paired this sweater with a pants originally from Lands End Canvas that is currently for sale in stores, thrifted for $4.00. Those items combined with my thrifted toggle winter coat for $7.00 and I am warm and thrifty this winter. I can only equate the feeling of finding and wearing great thrifted pieces to those that a Vegan might feel. That you are making a difference with the choices you make on a daily bases. It might be a stretch but hopefully it's a little insight into why I am the way I am. I really can't pay retail for anything besides the essentials. It's not that I don't love shiny new items, because I do, but only at 70% off. In my opinion retail=robbery, considering that clothing is made at a very low cost and not in the greatest conditions. The difference is in quality. If something is quality and you know that it was made by someone who is doing what they do well and what they feel a calling for, then yes. Those things are worth their price tag... but in this age of consumerism that's hard to find.
Hmm, now what to share with you. This is hard because I have been listening to so much lovely music. Winter is the time that I really fall in love with music. It's cold and the air is dry. Everything outside looks so brittle and some how it makes me more receptive to music that is fitting to my feelings in this season.
It's not in English, but that doesn't mean you can't enjoy it anyless. Just let your imagination take over.
Pascal Pinon - Ekki Vanmeta